2019 Downtown Au Gres City Farmer’s Market
Every Friday beginning July 5, 2019 and going through September 27, 2019.
Hours will be 10 AM -4 PM. Annual registration fee is waived by registration is required for the season.
Vendors: Please use registration form
Every Friday at the Au Gres Harbor
US-23, Au Gres
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
July 5 – September 27, 2019
NAME: ____________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________
CITY: ____________________________________________________________
PHONE: ____________________________________________________________
E-MAIL: ____________________________________________________________
Downtown Au Gres Farmer’s Market organized by the City of Au Gres.
Form can be dropped off or mailed to:
Au Gres City Hall, PO Box 121, Au Gres, MI 48703.
Registration will be ongoing throughout the summer months. Please feel free to participate as your schedule permits. Farmer’s market will be run on a trial basis and we welcome any comments and/or suggestions!
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