About Us
Welcome to the City of Au Gres
On behalf of the Mayor, City Commission and Staff of the City of Au Gres, I welcome you to our website and our community. We cherish our small town, which is conveniently located on the shores of Saginaw Bay and Lake Huron, where the seasonal recreation activities are tremendous! It is ideally suited for a long stay or just a weekend getaway. This website is designed to help you keep informed about our community. Keeping you up-to-date with current events and governmental developments. For additional community updates, please follow us on Facebook. We welcome you to Celebrate Our Seasons! ~Dale Wiltse, City Manager

Au Gres History
Au Gres' meaning and history: Au Gres means "of sandstone" because of the type of material on the river bottom. The City of Au Gres lies atop a glacial lake feature which consists of clay or shallow layers of sand over clay. In early years, Au Gres was considered a logging community; however, today the largest industry appears to be tourism. Both logging and tourism are probably a direct result of the Au Gres River which runs through the City and the availability of the City to Saginaw Bay and Lake Huron. The theme of this area used to be "Timber to Tourist" but now Au Gres is known as "The Perch Capital."
Economic Development
The City of Au Gres in partnership with the Au Gres Area Chamber of Commerce work to facilitate development projects on behalf Au Gres businesses and residents. We utilize new techniques and combinations of resources to bring all parties together for a cohesive master plan. City of Au Gres offers the creative entrepreneur or developer a variety of excellent business opportunities.
If you are interested in starting or moving your business to Au Gres, Michigan, please contact us about your project and we will pave the way for your investment. We will assist to make your move seamless as possible!
Industrial Property for development!
11 lots are available and for sale in the City of Au Gres Industrial Park.
For more information contact Au Gres City Hall at 989-876-8811
- 11 lots available for purchase
- All new infrastructure
- Renaissance Zone/Brownfield Redevelopment - Eligible for 15-year tax abatement extension
- Close to US 23 along designated truck route
- Proximity to growing lakefront residential development
- Zoned light industrial
- All utilities on-site
- Average lot size 40,500 SF
- Price per lot: $01 - $25,000 based on investment and job creation
City of Au Gres Zoning Ordinances:
Download Full Reports Here:
City Of Au Gres Zoning Ordinance 2023 PDF
City of Au Gres Zoning Map PDF
City Services
City of Au Gres Tax/Assessor/Utility Billing Database
Click here for: Online Services
City of Au Gres Riverside Park: Park Rental Form here
Au Gres Lions Pavilion: Pavilion Rental Form here
Au Gres Chapel: Chapel Rental Form here
City of Au Gres Compost Site
Proulx Road (off of Court Street)
New Compost Site Hours
Hours: 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Summer Schedule:
Every Tuesday of the month
Winter Schedule:
1st Tuesday of the month
Accepted Items:
Brush cut to uniform lengths
Not to exceed 6'
Grass clippings & Leaves
City Residents only.
No commercial dumping.
Violators will be prosecuted.
Current Openings
Please contact The City of Au Gres at 989-876-8811 with any questions.
City of Au Gres Current Openings
Full Description:
Library Manager – Routine library work involving a variety of clerical and administrative activities, assists the public in library services, and related duties as required. 24 -30 hours per week.
Library Assistant – Routine library work involving activities, assists the public in library services, and related duties as required. 12 -16 hours per week.
Requirements for both positions: Physically mobile to reach and lift to 25 lbs, ability to use computers, work effectively with the public and other employees, ability to file alphabetically and numerically, read and understand written and verbal
instructions, graduation from an accredited high school or equivalent.
Send or drop off resume to: City of Au Gres, PO Box 121, Au Gres, MI 48703.
Email: cityofaugres@cityofaugresmi.com
Deadline to apply before June 14 th ,2024.
City of Au Gres Riverfront Current Openings
Click for Full Description:
Part-time Office Assistant
Current Openings Application
City of Au Gres Official Job Application
City Facilities Available for Rent
Au Gres Area Lions Club Pavilion - located within the Au Gres City Park. Perfect for graduation parties, family reunions, class reunions, wedding receptions or any get-together to accommodate large crowds. Other amenities available on site include paved parking lot, bike path, tennis and basketball courts, softball fields, and play equipment for tots. Call Au Gres City Park for rental form at (989) 876-8310 or download Pavilion rental form.
Au Gres Chapel in the Park - if you have wedding plans, consider renting the historic picturesque Chapel in the KinderPlatz Park. This is a perfect spot for wedding receptions, graduation parties or family re-unions. Chapel deposit is $100 to reserve your date and pavilion deposit is $50. Call Au Gres City Hall at (989) 876-8811 for rental form and information or download chapel rental form.
Au Gres Riverside Park Pavilion - located within the City of Au Gres and along the Au Gres River. This Park is perfect for graduation parties, family reunions, class reunions, wedding receptions or any get-together to accommodate large crowds. Other amenities available on site include, All New SPLASH PAD, kids play area, bathroom facilities, transit boat docking and a barrier free fishing ramp, all that and plenty of parking! Click here for the Au Gres Riverside Park Pavilion Rental Form. Have questions? Call Au Gres City Hall at (989) 876-8811 for rental and park information.
City Officials
City Council Meetings are held on the first Tuesdays of each month at Au Gres City Hall at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are open to the public and residents are encouraged to attend.
City Hall
City Manager, Dale Wiltse
124 W Huron, Au Gres, MI 48703 | 989-876-8811
Council Members
Mayor, Jon Sanford
Mayor Pro Tem, Dan Heinrich
Jane Barbour
Joe Warr
John Popovich
City Board
Planning Commission Meetings are held on the fourth Mondays of each month at Au Gres City Hall at 6:00 p.m. Meetings are open to the public and residents are encouraged to attend.
Planning Commission Members
Tom Nixon, Chairman
Dale Dittenber, Co-Chairman
Virginia Hasty
Nicholas Onica
John Popovich
Jon Sanford
Fire Authority - 3rd Thursday at 7:00 p.m. at Fire Hall, Au Gres
Zoning Board of Appeals - as needed
T.I.F.A. Board - bi-annual
Board of Review - meets March every year
Building Authority - as needed
Parks & Recreation Board - 3rd Tuesday Feb-Nov @5pm City Hall
* schedule changes and special meetings will be posted at Au Gres City Hall
MDOT Reports
What is Title VI? Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 200d), related statutes and regulations provide that no person shall on the ground of race, color, national origin, sex, or disabilities be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal funds. Full Report: Title VI Sub-Recipient Annual Certification
What is Public Act 51? Article IX, Section 9, of the Michigan Constitution of 1963, as amended, states that "All specific taxes . . . imposed directly or indirectly on fuels sold or used to propel motor vehicles upon highways. . . or on registered motor vehicles . . . shall, after payment of necessary collection expenses, be used exclusively for transportation purposes. . ."
Public Act 51 of 1951, as amended ("Act 51") governs the distribution of this revenue. The following pages summarize this distribution.
Act 51 creates a fund into which specific transportation taxes are deposited, and prescribes how these revenues are to be distributed and the purposes for which they can be spent. Act 51 establishes jurisdictional road networks, sets priorities for the use of transportation revenues, and allows bonded indebtedness for transportation improvements and guarantees repayment of debt.
The Act also imposes administrative requirements on road agencies, and creates several institutions not having to do with finance.
Full Report: Public Act 51, Section18j
Visit Us Today!
Au Gres is a small riverfront community in a beautiful natural setting. Nestled along the Au Gres River near Saginaw Bay & Lake Huron and readily accessible via state and interstate highways. Au Gres’ downtown has an appeal that draws customers with its small town friendliness, unique shops, quality restaurants, wineries and pubs. Au Gres offers year round recreational opportunities from its fabulous walleye, bass and perch fishing, and three 18-hole golfcourses within ten minutes, and a dinner cruise and casino only 15 minutes away!